Saturday, February 11, 2006

One Line Poems
by Zoketsu Norman Fischer
at everydayzen.org

language shares a common tongue
huddled masses with socks
arriving on time and late
wonder where width went
me or it - either way you jump off
just over that hill: the one one wants one
my legs cramp, my head moves its mouth
do get simultaneous animals
strip language of emotion, end up with operate
nevertheless, again more
predicate, pontificate, travel long distances and speak truth
it as do be it he me or
in a short while craft - not much to do about it
turn a single letter - it becomes a bird or later
a string pulled out of a word endlessly, never snaps
disabled and detained, probably dispelled
place it on a stump
fragment detachment
nature speaks to those who disappear into it
all the images my eyes have seen now memory?
dumped ashtray on bed when pulled down covers
limited potential so must rely on hope or help
olfactory workers on break
Benedict knew God loved him
my stupidity, lack of care, laziness, impatience, all endearing to someone
genus, genius, genous, generous, degenerate, disingenuous
how many meals in a lifetime?
gangrenous tooth defection or flesh encumbrance
acid of sword blade on the road of crushed petals
rug phrases, race cages
sound of someone long gone
aware of trauma in room, mild sinking
where there’s sentence there’s attention
violin passion on the derangement of purse
Jabes mentions book, desert, God, Jew, nothing
mentioning blossoms cements poetic mood
insurance reimbursement//worrisome
Dr. Laura pins you down
taxtrick (who’s arbiter of right and wrong)
everyone there is dying - you should think of that
long heat of happiness, stiff eyeball
wires and beams, stray dog
everything brown in the room
imitation of poet no longer warm for life
horticultural tour of parlor
hold onto music: not possible
release pit or point... quite occurring
spent pine needles scattered in cypress tree
stone poem about puddles on step
red sweater of yesteryear, worn, now, worn?
all those books, lamentation, song, punctuation
career dependency//sky diving// careen and float
flat flaot flout finally
self’s impossible, listen to rain
all stopped “ “ some light is bright
beyond the body limit disturbance
wonderful dilemma, icy decisions open into view
trees above trimmed bushes, sentinels
walking among red leaves looking up()()()s k y
car (mind) break down
long winter’s night: distasteful lamplight
phone: lost and forgot
having a baby, knowing what to do
sex in middle age (nice to know you)
sound of door, voice, wind
our house, our house, our house (another’s)
parts of worlds, words, boxes left unclaimed
record, bow, praise, lament, offer, decide, fade.......
no reach
fountain and tree attract duck
heron in field tip-toes silent
music in the way one goes on
where’s blend of folk, rhyme’s reason
one fixed idea broken
one’s fixed idea (one is)
why not gather, determine (contradiction)
who knows interrogative tone, tentative gesture
Mexican people see Mary at night
turning the bad dead over in the coffin
jar in Tennessee (unlikely to be in Memphis)
not going to Paris - see it best (tasting name)
foot at end of ankle, hand at wrist
art an end of rankle, sand in fist
(whew! air in air out)
going slowly one goes further
you and I could refer to same
pages, like beaches, wet
translation: pushing the stone aside
these and those (lips and teeth)
: mystery image at life’s end
which; happily family laughter
stormy eruption at civilization’s end
words turning noisy, snarl
sprig snapped, a life, crushed blossom
Benedict’s love, to glide (elision)
my disinclinations, thirsty root
light wanes but sky’s still
one repeat (death makes soil)
hardy (be slow my heart) tidy
which, whither, whether, wither, with, weather, willy-nilly
someone everyone anyone wondered
**open mouth ** close door**speak**stay warm*
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poemstrings by glen

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